Legal Services FAQ

These are some of the frequently asked questions we are asked about our legal consultations. Please take a look and if your questions are not answered feel free to email us by clicking here.Are Moses Avalon services considered a “practice of law?”

No. We are not lawyers. A great deal of legal research went into creating our consultation products. While some of them definitely push the envelope, all fall outside the standards for “legal advice,” as interpreted by California case law. However, we frequently consult lawyers when rendering analysis. We do not interpret the legalities of client activities.

Is the information I share with the Moses Avalon Company confidential?

We treat everything in our files with the same degree of confidentiality as any law firm. However, there is currently no legal privilege for confidentiality when using a consultant. Never in the Company’s history have we revealed information about a client without the client’s prior consent.

How are “conflicts of interest” handled?

Since we are not attorneys, there are no “conflict of interest” issues regarding use of Moses Avalon services. Lawyers are frequently specialists and “conflicted out” of many cases. The Moses Avalon Company helps many different entities with similar problems. The client gets the benefit of our vast experience with the many facets of an issue, not simply a limited number of cases with the same viewpoint.

Can I use the information you provide me in a lawsuit?

Yes. Any information given can be entered into evidence.

Who owns the “work product” created for a consultation?

All data, as it is collated and presented for the purpose of the consultation, is property of the client.

Can you provide a list of references and cases you’ve testifie in?

Yes, upon serious inquires.

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